Tibbie Shiels Inn is a guest house with ample campsite facilities. The guest house rooms will be booked for our closest family members, but the campsite is free to use for any of you who wish to do so!
You can pull up in a camper van or pitch your tent right next to the Loch, have open fires and enjoy the natural beauty of the area to it’s fullest! The campsite has a toilet and shower block with hot water and washing up facilities.
There are also a number of electrical hookup points for camper vans, though these are limited so do let us know when you RSVP whether you’ll be needing one.
Hotels & BnB’s: For those of you who wish to take a hotel or Bed and Breakfast room, we have provided an example of places to stay that are within 30 minutes of the venue. Whether you choose Moffat, Selkirk or the surrounding areas, we are confident that with a little googling, you'll find somewhere to suit your needs!
Moffat Hotels:
The Buccleuch Arms Hotel: https://www.buccleucharmshotel.com/
Balmoral Hotel: https://www.thebalmoralhotelmoffat.com/
Moffat House: https://moffat-house.co.uk/
The Famous Star Hotel & Restaurant: https://www.famousstarhotel.co.uk/
Annandale Arms Hotel and Restaurant: https://www.annandalearmshotel.co.uk/
Black Bull Hotel Moffat: https://www.theblackbullmoffat.co.uk/
29 well street: https://29wellstreet.co.uk/
Burnbank Moffat Bed & Breakfast: https://www.burnbankmoffat.co.uk/
Hazel Bank Bed & Breakfast: https://www.hazelbankmoffat.co.uk/
Selkirk Hotels:
The County Hotel: www.countyselkirk.com
Heatherlie House Hotel: https://heatherliehouse.com/
The Glen Hotel: https://www.glenhotel.co.uk/
Philipburn House Hotel: https://philipburnhousehotel.co.uk/
Waverley Castle Hotel: https://www.alfatravel.co.uk/the-waverley-castle-hotel/
Dryburgh Abbey Hotel: https://www.dryburgh.co.uk/
Tower Street Guest House: Airbnb link: https://www.google.com/travel/search?qs=CAAgACgAMidDaGtJak5PVjF1eV80NnpvQVJvTUwyY3ZNWGxvT1hab01teDNFQUU4DUgA&ts=CAESCgoCCAMKAggDEAAaXQo9EjsKCS9tLzAyMnluODIlMHg0ODdkNTkzYmFiMGFlMDA5OjB4ZjE0MTI2NDAwZDFjMWUzYzoHU2Vsa2lyaxIcEhQKBwjpDxACGAISBwjpDxACGAMYATIECAAQACoHCgU6A0dCUA&utm_campaign=sharing&utm_medium=link_btn&utm_source=htls
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